It's been great here, but now you can find me at littlejoys.wordpress.com.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Can't stop the Wrock

My latest iTunes obsession is a little music movement that sprang up in/around 2002 out of the Harry Potter fanomenon, called Wizard Rock. Some of what I've heard so far is actually pretty enjoyable music-wise, but what I *really* like is the lyrical cleverness. J'adore cleverness.

So after this quick and dirty introduction to world of Wizard Rock, I've decided it might be fun to be in a Wizard Rock band of my own. I can write and sing a little, so all I really need now is a drummer, guitarist, pianist, tambourinist (Jen A?!?!?!!) and whatever other instrument players a band might have (who can also sing a little), like maybe a trumpeteer, harpist, violinist, basoonist, sousaphonist...you know, the basics.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to come up with a list of potential monikers (in no particular order) and song titles, the best of which are listed below for your non-musical enjoyment.

Wizard Rock band names:
Confundus Charm
Finite Incantatem
Mischief Managed!
Permanent Sticking Charm

Song titles (some are inspired by real songs, others are just made up):

  1. Ain't No Mountain Troll Mean Enough
  2. Drive My Flying Ford Anglia
  3. Getting Whomped by the Willow*
  4. Like a Horntail
  5. Snape Murdered Dumbledore (But He Did Not Murder Harry P.)
  6. Down by the Black Lake
  7. Unsplinch My Heart
  8. I Heard it Through the Extendable Ears
  9. Hermy Hermy
  10. Shrieking Shack*
  11. What's Snape Got to Do With It?
  12. Seek Her, Chase Her, Keep Her
  13. WTF?! (Lupin's Dead but Harry's Not)
  14. Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Apparated Me Home)
  15. Long Scarlet Train
  16. Expelliarmus, Biotch
  17. VoldyBack
  18. All is Well
*thanks Jen A!


Anonymous said...

Dude, I would so play tambourine in a band called 'Mischief Managed!' -- sign me up!!! :) I'll sing as long as I've someone to sing with (stagefright won't allow me to be the only voice heard)!

Also - let it be known to the world that the song 'Shrieking Shack' would be sung to a tune similar to 'Love Shack' - oh yeah, baby.

And what about the "Wormtail Wiggle," or "Hagrid's Scary Critter Blues," or "House Elf Rock"???

Anonymous said...

Dude! HATESEXY just blogged about Wrock the other day! :) I left a comment with the link back to this post! hehehe ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow -- I so totally did not even see that I just started both of these comments with "Dude"! Crazy!