My latest iTunes obsession is a little music movement that sprang up in/around 2002 out of the Harry Potter fanomenon, called Wizard Rock. Some of what I've heard so far is actually pretty enjoyable music-wise, but what I *really* like is the lyrical cleverness. J'adore cleverness.
So after this quick and dirty introduction to world of Wizard Rock, I've decided it might be fun to be in a Wizard Rock band of my own. I can write and sing a little, so all I really need now is a drummer, guitarist, pianist, tambourinist (Jen A?!?!?!!) and whatever other instrument players a band might have (who can also sing a little), like maybe a trumpeteer, harpist, violinist, basoonist, know, the basics.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to come up with a list of potential monikers (in no particular order) and song titles, the best of which are listed below for your non-musical enjoyment.
Wizard Rock band names:
Confundus Charm
Finite Incantatem
Mischief Managed!
Permanent Sticking Charm
Song titles (some are inspired by real songs, others are just made up):
- Ain't No Mountain Troll Mean Enough
- Drive My Flying Ford Anglia
- Getting Whomped by the Willow*
- Like a Horntail
- Snape Murdered Dumbledore (But He Did Not Murder Harry P.)
- Down by the Black Lake
- Unsplinch My Heart
- I Heard it Through the Extendable Ears
- Hermy Hermy
- Shrieking Shack*
- What's Snape Got to Do With It?
- Seek Her, Chase Her, Keep Her
- WTF?! (Lupin's Dead but Harry's Not)
- Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Apparated Me Home)
- Long Scarlet Train
- Expelliarmus, Biotch
- VoldyBack
- All is Well
Dude, I would so play tambourine in a band called 'Mischief Managed!' -- sign me up!!! :) I'll sing as long as I've someone to sing with (stagefright won't allow me to be the only voice heard)!
Also - let it be known to the world that the song 'Shrieking Shack' would be sung to a tune similar to 'Love Shack' - oh yeah, baby.
And what about the "Wormtail Wiggle," or "Hagrid's Scary Critter Blues," or "House Elf Rock"???
Dude! HATESEXY just blogged about Wrock the other day! :) I left a comment with the link back to this post! hehehe ;)
Wow -- I so totally did not even see that I just started both of these comments with "Dude"! Crazy!
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