It's been great here, but now you can find me at littlejoys.wordpress.com.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Tout de meme

I got tagged a few weeks ago by Jen A to do a meme. The rules, which I may or may not follow one hundred percent, are as follows:
  1. Write your own six-word memoir.
  2. Post it on your blog. Include a visual illustration if you’re so inclined.
  3. Link to the person that tagged you, and to the original post if possible so the meme-gods can track it.
  4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
  5. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Before now, "meme" was nothing more to me than a funny-sounding word to giggle at and pronounce in a dozen different ways (it's really pronounced "mem"). As it turns out (thanks to Merriam-Webster) the word meme stems from the same root as mimesis, which is a term I totally understand, thanks to study in Aesthetics and art criticism! But the blogger-appropriated term, meme, should not be confused with the original term used to describe the human behavior of passing on cultural activity; nor should it be confused with the French word for "same," which is a keystone element of the expression, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose -- one which I will now aim to drop into casual conversation as often as possible to sound, you know, Frenchier.

In fact, I'm not exactly sure how "meme" actually applies to this activity, because it's not so much a cultural behavior or act of voluntary imitation, as it is a sort of interactive chain blog post, like those "send this to everyone you know including the person who sent it to you" e-mails. If you think can provide a clear, *concise* explanation as to why and how "meme" is an accurate term to describe the above challenge, please do.

(And I'm still wondering who the meme-gods are.)

Now the assignment is a six-word "memoir," but I'm only 25.5 -- am I *really* old enough to start thinking about a memoir? I don't think so.

{Neurotic perfectionist to a pathological degree}

So because I'm an artist who's not afraid to take advantage of my creative birthright on my own blog, and because I don't believe these so-called "meme-gods" are going to strike me down with a bolt of lightning or 10 plagues or a great flood, and MOST OF ALL because meme is an appropriated term anyway, I'm going to appropriate "memoir" and create my own context. Thus, my response is something more akin to a mission statement or slogan (which is probably not far off from the goal of the challenge anyway -- I'm sure it's all just semantics -- but it feels good to think I'm breaking the mold), presented in business card format. But it fits, tout de même.


Anonymous said...

Oh ma chérie, I must confess that I *totally* made up the "meme-gods" bit because in my own compulsiveness I needed to have someone to report to... the original instructions just said that 'they'd' track it and we know how much I hate pronouns... ;)

But let me also extend a *HUG* of warm gratitude! You were the *only* one of the people I tagged that has completed the 6-word memoir, and I *heart* yours, both in the concept, design and execution.

And lest I forget:
1. Rawr
2. You are *still* the bomb-shizzle
3. I, just wanted you, to know that I, pay rapt attention, to every intelligence, kissed word that comes, out of your incredibly complex, yet, navigable, brain and thought, processes. *grin,*

Anonymous said...

While you're waiting for inspiration to strike and give you an idea for your next post, read my 5/12 blog post where I tagged you to play! Check it out and see if you want to participate! *HUG*