It's been great here, but now you can find me at littlejoys.wordpress.com.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

To bear arms

"Did you ever wish you had a Shut the Eff Up gun?"

Keith asked me this question today, today of all days, today when my stress level can be measured using the Richter Scale, when my inevitable climactic reaction to it is likely to rival Vesuvius. Yes. I replied without a thought. Yes I have.

At times, I've also wished I had a Common Sense ray, or a You Are the Last Person I Want to Deal With Right Now zapper.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an arsenal for defense against those every day oblivious, inept and just generally ineffective people, to protect us from those things they do that contribute so generously to the piggy bank of double compound stress?

I mean, today -- right now -- I could use a Don't Blame Me For Your Incompetance laser.

What would you keep in your arsenal?

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