It's been great here, but now you can find me at littlejoys.wordpress.com.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dear Jen (A)

I want to say THANK YOU! for asking me what was wrong last Friday, when you noticed that I was going berserk in my own head and I thought I would suffocate from the burden of my own impending insanity. It was as a pin prick relieves a blood blister: a bit painful, kind of icky, but DAMN if I didn't feel instantly better!

Gestures like this serve as a periodic smack in the face to bring me to my senses and force me to realize that whatever I know, or think, or think I know, or know I think, my workaholic imagination is no match for an act of friendship, however simple.

Love, Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I love you. You are exquisite, and I would miss you even if we had never met."

After saying this, I would emit a small giggle causing you to raise your eyebrows at me, and I'd have to admit that J.Lo began all of her perk-up-the-bride speeches w/ that "exquisite" line in The Wedding Planner, and Dermot Mulroney told Debra Messing in The Wedding Date that he would miss her even if they had never met. Oh yes, this past weekend I held within my little tv-clicker hand the power of finding every mediocre wedding-themed movie on TBS and related channels. :)


No thanks is necessary because you are my friend, and I do care about and love you. And you ARE exquisite (I know no one else like you)! And as your friend I am invested in your well-being (yes, this includes mentally). Now, this is in no way related to the fear I may or may not have that if you hurt, I'll hurt because we are creatively cosmically linked… however, since it IS possible I think I'll continue to try to put smiles on your face (because you put them on mine), to gift you with random acts of chocolate, and to offer you ears and ears (sometimes with a nudge to get you talking) so that you can once again feel a little bit closer to sane.

Love, Jen A.