It's been great here, but now you can find me at littlejoys.wordpress.com.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Purpose and purposlessness

I was thinking today about the purpose of blogging. I am fascinated lately with the blogosphere, like a whirlwind of simultaneous autobiographies happening in real-time: oooohhhh. Except I can’t help the feeling that I’m supposed to be blogging about something--that this blog* should have a “purpose” or some consistent thread of subject matter. Get over it, I tell myself. It’s mine, all mine, and I can do with it what I want. HAHAHA! Freedom borne out of constriction.

So today’s resplendent entry is about goals, because I am by my very nature a planner, a list-maker, a goal-setter.

My goal here is to post something at least once a day, with the goal of forcing myself to find something to write about at least once a day, with the umbrella goal of re-building my creative muscle and using it to make my mark and maybe even a living with writing and art. I believe I can do this (post once a day) because late last night while falling asleep at the computer and persistently exploring the world of iGoogle and Blogger, I discovered that making a post can be as easy as sending an e-mail. Brilliant.