While color will always be, in my heart, the numero uno design element, texture runs a tight second. And that is precisely the reason I'm loving crochet. It's been a loooooong time since I picked it up, but I've started, I've fallen deeply in love, and I can't stop. It's like some highly addictive fiber arts frenzy. Crafty crack.
The catch, however, is an affliction I call Creative-ADD (CrADD), similar to Cleaning-ADD (ClADD); both involve starting a project and working feverishly on it...until I think of another project to work on (or notice something else to clean), and I may at any one time have several projects or chores underway. I'm currently working on (1, 2, 3, 4) 5 crochet projects (and was thinking of starting another, oh and I've promised to start another blanket for my mother-in-law), and 1 knitting project (by the way, I'm teaching myself to knit, too).
ALTHOUGH--to my own credit--the reason I haven't continued working on two of the projects is that I ran out of the yarn for them.
ALTHOUGH--against my credit--instead of buying the yarn to complete the projects, I bought the yarn to start new projects, but WHATEVER. I need VARIETY (another element of design, thank you very much). And I *will* finish. Someday.
So here are just a few of the projects I am working on (and one that I've finished!).
This is the afghan that started it all. It's about 6 1/2 feet long, currently ~2 feet wide and has used $100 worth of yarn, which is funny because that's the exact price Keith said he would pay me for finishing it... A baby bootie (just one so far):
An egg cozy, also lonely:
Look! A finished piece! It's a bookmark crocheted with red thread. Or a runner for a miniature table. I didn't know I had the patience in me to do work so tiny, but lo and behold, I do, and here is the FINISHED product in all of its book marking glory. Now that I know I can work with this stuff and not jab my eyes out with the miniscule crochet hook, I can try making pretty little crocheted trims! You know, to embellish stuff.
I WANT EVERYONE TO SEE THE TINY-ASS HOOK I USED FOR THE BOOKMARK (it's the shiny thing in front of the pencil) and marvel and go "OOOOHHHH!" and "AAAAHHHHH!" and "Sarah! You are AMAZING!":
And finally, four completed motifs for another blanket. J'ADORE the colors. (And the texture too.)
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